萬能陶瓷 Universal Ceramic

大愛生醫萬能陶瓷(UCDAB)是由A劑(粉末)與B劑(液體)混合而成, 兩劑充分混合15~20分鐘後,常溫即可硬化形成大愛生醫萬能陶瓷(UCDAB)。可輕鬆用模具塑形出想要的物件,可耐超過攝氏2800℃高溫,瞬間極端溫度變化不損壞、不破裂。絕緣、隔熱、材質不老化。應用範圍廣泛: 各種電子零件、各種陶瓷塗層、普通陶瓷替代、耐高溫零件、防火材料...等。

Universal Ceramic of DAH-AI Biomedical (UCDAB) is made from agent A(powder) and agent B(liquid). 15~20 minutes after the two agents are completely mixed, UCDAB will be formed at room temperature. UCDAB can be easily molded into anything you want, withstand over 2800℃, will not be damaged or broken under fast extreme temperature change, is electrical and thermal insulation, and no material aging. Wide applications: various electronic components, various ceramic coatings, replacing common ceramic, high temperature parts, flame proof material...etc. 

S-3 Guhuanbao
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