+30Power量子增能材料 +30Power Quantum Energy Boost Material


The +30Power Quantum Energy Boost Material which can be applied to various power generation or storage devices is a collection of dozens of years experience and know-hows in many fields.

使用方法: 可在任何蓄電裝置成品之電擊塗佈+30Power量子增能材料,或在蓄電裝置的製造過程中就加入+30Power量子增能材料。使用時,遵照工程師指示SOP

How to use: +30Power Quantum Energy Boost Material can be coated on the electrodes of any finished power storage devices or as a raw material for various power storage devices in the manufacturing processes. Follow the SOP instruction from our engineers when you use.

效能增進示意圖(以太陽能電池為例) Illustration of power boost function (For example: solar power cell)

提高30%總發電量: +30Power量子增能材料用於各種太陽能電廠,可提高30%的總發電量。作為各種電池添料,可提升30%的總電力儲存效能。

30% more total power generation boost: +30Power Quantum Energy Boost Material can boost 30% more total power generation for various solar power plants, or boost 30% more total power storage for various power storage devices.

應用範圍: 太陽能電池、鉛酸電池、鋰鐵電池、燃料電池...等等。(不及備載...)

Application: solar power cell, lead-acid battery, lithium ion battery, fuel cell...etc. (Many others...)

S-3 Guhuanbao
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